Where JB Stands on the Issues
It has often been said just stand around JB for a while and you will discover exactly where JB stands on the issues we face today. Having said that, I think that the Town of Kernersville is well run. I think the Police and Fire Departments are well run. I see a few things that I would like to change, but all in all, Kernersville is a well run town. Thank You Mayor Dawn Morgan and Town Manager Curtis Swisher.
I believe that less Government is better than more Government.
I believe Town Government exist to SERVE THE PEOPLE.
I believe that Town Government must enhance the lives and businesses of the People of Kernersville.
I believe Town Government action should reflect “How does this action benefit the quality of life for the People?”
I believe that a strong Police Department is essential to our freedom and civil liberties.
Safety in our homes, businesses and town is the TOP PRIORITY of the Police.
I believe that the town should have an effective and efficient fire department. No more, No less.
I Believe the town should collect the tax payers trash, yard waste and recycleables.
You pay town taxes, the town should collect your residential garbage and yard waste. Residential at no additional fee. Commercial fee based on volume and character.
I believe the town should maintain the streets in good order and quit blaming the NC DOT for traffic problems. Its our town, and should be our choice!
I believe the town should remedy problems caused by the town actions. If the town caused it, the town should step up and fix it. The town should retain jurisdiction over developers and hold them responsible for storm water problems they cause.
Zoning manages growth. The main issue facing Kernersville going forward is growth. The challenge for town government is to responsibly manage the growth and preserve the small town lifestyle we enjoy here without raising taxes. With the growth comes more traffic, more rezoning and more expenditures for infrastructure (roads, sewer & water, etc.) and town services (police, fire, rec, trash etc.).
I believe that the town’s primary role in recreation is to provide recreational opportunities for the town youth. Good kids make good citizens!
I believe that the Town should hire the best people for the job at a competitive wage. I also believe that money can be saved by contracting out services where it makes good business sense. I know the town is a non-profit entity, but it must be run as efficiently as possible, the taxpayers deserve nothing less.
I believe the towns finances should be totally transparent to all, and business conducted in a manner most advantageous to the People of Kernersville. After all, the Town is run by the consent of the People.
I will NEVER initially respond to a citizen inquiry with “You don’t understand”. Too many bureaucrats respond with this demeaning reply, and then go on to convince or argue or explain. You are elected to field the Peoples’ questions. And I believe it is your duty to answer and educate all.
As Alderman, I promise to represent the People of Kernersville to insure that every request will be met with this question; How does this request make the lives of the People of Kernersville better?
I have enjoyed my life in Kernersville for the last 65 years. It has proven to be a great place to live, work and play. I will work hard for the people of Kernersville to preserve our great way of life and low tax rate.
God Bless Kernersville.
God Bless North Carolina.
God Bless America.
email - Barrow4Alderman@yahoo.com
call or text – 336-646-0566
Kernersville School
Let us know what’s important to you.
This site approved and paid for by the Committee to Elect John Barrow Aldermam